缅【miǎn】 remote; far back
甸【diàn】 pasture
缅甸【Miǎndiàn】 Myanmar; Burma
住【zhù】 live; reside; stay; stop; cease.
地【dì】 the earth; land; soil; fields; ground; place; locality; position; situation; background; ground.
理【lǐ】 reason; logic; truth; natural science
地理【dìlǐ】 geographical features of a place; geography.
学家【xuéjiā】 scholar.
地理学家 (Geologist)
以前【yǐqián】 before; formerly; previously.
参与【cānyù】 participate in; have a hand in.
滨【bīn】 bank; brink; shore; be close to (the sea, a river, etc.); border on.
海【hǎi】 sea or big lake; a great number of people or things coming together; extra large; of great capacity
湾【wān】 a bend in a stream; gulf; bay; cast anchor; moor.
艺【yì】 skill; art.
术【shù】 art; skill; technique; method; tactics.
艺术【yìshù】 art; skill; craft; conforming to good taste.
中心【zhōngxīn】 centre; heart; core; hub.
滨海湾艺术中心 (The Esplanade)
工程【gōngchéng】 engineering; project.
制服制服【zhìfú】 uniform.
妇【fù】 woman; married woman; wife.
家庭【jiātíng】 family; household.
家庭妇女 (Housewife)
正【zhèng】 used to indicate an action in progress.
正在【zhèngzài】 (to indicate an action in progress) in process of; in course of.
兵【bīng】 weapons; arms; soldier; rank-and-file soldier; private; army; troops; military; pawn, one of the pieces in Chinese chess.
役【yì】 labour; service; use as servant.
服兵役 (National Service; to serve the military)
烦【fán】 be vexed; be irritated; be annoyed; be tired of; superfluous and confusing; trouble.
最好【zuìhào】 best; first-rate; had better; it would be best.
科学【kēxué】 science; scientific knowledge
动物【dòngwù】 animal.
猫【māo】 cat.
辣【là】 peppery; hot; (of smell or taste) burn; bite; sting; vicious; ruthless.
椒【jiāo】 any of several hot spice plants.
辣椒【làjiāo】 hot pepper; chilli.
兴【xìng】 mood or desire to do something; interest; excitement.
趣【qù】 interest
兴趣【xìngqù】 interest.
背【bèi】 recite from memory; learn by heart